
Actual Weight Loss Starting from Band Implantation

on 1/2/09 11:52 pm - Newport News, VA
Laura, that little picture of the cat is so adorable! Where did you get that?! Congrats of the weight loss!

on 1/3/09 12:41 am - KY

Thanks a bunch.  I really don't know where I got this avatar.  I googled animal avatars and got this on one of the sites it gave me.  I was hunting for a exercising animal and this is what I found.

on 1/2/09 8:47 pm - Florence, KY
Hi, I had my Realize Band 11/12/08 and have lost 29 pounds since banding.  I did not have to lose any or diet pre-op (technically I am considered a "light-weight I guess-pre BMI of 37).  I have had one problem with "damming" or food getting stuck once-I could not throw up and I could not get the food to "drop".  Ham and about 2 tbsp of mashed potatoes-not good things to eat with a band of any kind.  Mashed potatoes are like wallpaper paste and they bind ANYTHING you eat with them (not always, just my experience-and everyone's experience is different).  Took about 3 hours for the pain to go away and you may have heard of "sliming" (over production of mucous to compensate for and assist the stuck food)...well....you never knew a human body could produce so much mucous....nauseating.
Again, everyone is different depending on fills, amount of weight to lose, diet adherence, body types, activity levels (I can go on and on...)
Individual decision to make with your surgeon....Good Luck!  :o)
on 1/4/09 9:12 am
I had surgery 11/25 and have lost 28 pounds post op.
Jo Ann M.
on 1/6/09 4:56 am - Edison, NJ
Hi there.  Had my Realize band done on March 27, 2008.  Since leaving the hospital I have lost a total of 80 lbs.

  Always, Jo Ann
        (but hopefully less of me soon )
on 1/9/09 1:22 am
Since July 18, 2008, I have lost 50 pounds in about 6 months.  I had the Realize Band and I'm VERY satisfied....no pain, no nausea, no vomiting.   As of today, I have NOT required a "fill" in the band.  Since I'm at a bit of a plateau, though, I expect to get my first fill at my next appointment in 2 weeks.

I waited until about a month after having surgery to start an exercise program.  So, since the middle of August, I have been doing aerobic walking with a DVD.  I usually put in 2 heavy duty aerobic miles per day.   I am starting a Pilates workout this weekend.

Hope this helps!  I highly recommend the Realize Band.  I feel great!

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
on 1/13/09 5:44 am - River Falls, WI
Hello Everyone!!!
I was banded with the Realize band on 9/19/08 and I am currently down 36lbs. Not quite where I would like to be, but very happy with where I am at.
The only time I have really had food stuck is when I'm not following directions. Let's be honest, there have been times in my journey where I have fallen off the wagon. But everytime I fall off, I jump right back on... I can't really imagine where I would be at if I wouldn't have had the band over the holidays.
The only other time I have issues with food gettting stuck is the day after a fill.
Learned that the hard way after my first fill.

on 1/16/09 3:16 am - Hampton, GA
Hi Gina I had my band surgery 9/10/08 4 days after my birthday and todate i have dropped only 19 pounds but I also started the pre-opt diet weeks before and dropped about 10 before surgery had my second fill Tuesday before last and had some removed this passed Tuesday they filled it little to much but I feel great .. But just like my Dr. said everyone is different she said that it all depends on where the person carrys their weight ... is how they determine how much to fill... and each person will have a end results ... ask all the questions to your Drs. and they will know... I think we all have different things to consider I am also a COPD patient with breathing issue sleep apena Etc... and two hernia repairs so my drs suggested this surgery over the others...
Good Luck ... hope some of what we all have replied  will help
God Bless ...

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